Phone: (253) 639-2996 --- CNet: 1-365-7446 --- Email: query (at) bluefeathertech dot com


NOTE: Chinese domains, such as '' or similar, are NOT mine and are not related to me in any way. The original bluefeathertech domains are .com, .net and .org. Period.

You have arrived at the site of Bruce Lane, owner of amateur radio station KC7GR and, formerly, DBA Blue Feather Technologies


I say 'Formerly' only because, since the beginning of 2013, business volume has dropped off to the point where it's no longer viable for me to run Blue Feather as an 'official' business (as in regular hours, merchant credit card account, formal advertising, etc.) As of Apr-22, I've also decided to drop our PO box (the Post Awful was getting greedy with the fees).

HOWEVER -- I'm still here, and I'm still happy to help out if you need support, repair or modifications for 'legacy' radio hardware, mil spec connectors, and general electronic tomfoolery.

POSSIBLE CONFLICTING DOMAINS: As of 18-Mar-24, I received word that some Chinese company has, or will be, registering China-based versions of my domain names, as in bluefeathertech dot cn, bluefeathertech dot com dot cn, etc. I want to make it absolutely clear that these domains have NO CONNECTION WHATSOEVER to me, and I did NOT give my approval to register them (I asked, nicely, for the registrant to pick a different name, and they refused).

So... If anyone at those domains tries to tell you they're related to me, or acting on my behalf, they're lying. Period. Be aware of what's at the end of your URL's!


Microsoft's (spam) mail service... Blocked at our end.

Due to a seemingly never-ending flood of phishing and other spam from MS's much-hyped '' mail service, and Microsoft's apparent self-delusion that no such trash could possibly come from their servers (and their subsequent refusal to take any countermeasures whatsoever), I've found it necessary to configure our mail system to refuse all traffic from the '' domain. If you're trying to reach me from any address ending in ',' it will bounce.

The only available workaround at this time is to try sending your message from a different web mail service (Gmail works just fine).

The Blue Feather Tech FTP Archive is active...

I forgot to update the notice on this page. Apologies for any confusion. The migration went smooth as glass.

Access to the site is FREE to anyone who asks. However, you need to Email me for the current password.

Once I've given you access, please do NOT spread the login info on any (anti?)social media or any other public forum. You can share it with other techies, whom you trust, as long as you do so PRIVATELY and they agree to the same terms.

Thanks much!

What I can (still) Do...

Easy answer: See the grid below. Pick an item. Click on it. Explore. Relax. Work on your tan. ;-)


Device (Chip) Programming

(Memory, PLD, and Microcontroller devices)

RF Services

(Motorola radio programming, Commercial-to-Amateur Conversions, Parts, Accessories, Modifications, Alignment, Checkout, and Repair).

Specialized Electrical Connectors

(Mil-spec components for either new or surplus aerospace and military hardware)


My amateur (ham) radio page.

The Traveling Technoid

(Yes, I still travel a few times a year...)



Looking for my listings of electronics swap meets and surplus stores? Click the link, and you're there!  

So how much will it cost?

Services are rendered at the rate of $50.00 per hour, with a half-hour ($25) minimum.

Payment-wise, I can accept all the usuals: Cash, Check, Money Order, PayPal, Credit/Debit cards (processed as credit through

Thanks for visiting. I sincerely hope I can be of assistance with your next project.

This site best viewed with whatever browser you prefer. Seriously. Anything from Lynx to Firefox, and everything in between, should work. There's no cookies, no bugs, and no surveillance outside of the usual log file any web server generates.


Bruce Lane, Owner,

Last Update: 21-Dec-24

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